
REiA - Real Estate Interactive Application

REiA is an application that can extensively be used by real estate developers by having an interactive visualisation of the future unbuilt project. In REiA you will not only see how the project will look like but also you will feel the experience of living in it as you will have your own freedom to move anywhere around the project. REiA application runs very smoothly. It is basically an interactive application that has each and every detail required for a developer to build or use the project in a way they would like to use it. REiA is the first of its kind in India and first amongst in the world to have such a distinctive featured application which is a state-of-tool-art that is used to backpedal the selling. REiA not only helps the sales-person for selling but also the home buyers to see and feel the experience of living in their future unbuilt project which definitely is a unique and undeveloped application built by any but ScArt team  REiA recreates the soft data into a 3D interact
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